Tactical leadership skills are different from strategic skills – obviously. If you’re the Chairman of Board, CEO, President, Executive VP, etc., you definitely need to be concerned with strategy and vision. And you need to understand how to share goals, values, and visions with your employees.
Most of us aren’t in those lofty roles. Instead, we are concerned with what to do today, tomorrow, next week, and next month – tactics. And that’s exactly what this unique course delivers. It has its roots in our highly successful year-long master class on leadership. We’ve evolved the content and focus and moved it entirely online.

We’ve converted our popular Leadership Masterclass to a totally online format. Leave the strategic plans for the C-suite, this course is laser-focused on the tactical skills front-line and mid-level managers need to lead effectively. Signup today to be a part of the next cohorts.
You’ll meet new peers and contacts and gain new skills essential for leading today’s organizations. Sessions begin on May 10, 2020. Participants will become more efficient leaders by creating structures and processes to address organizational challenges. You’ll learn to lead teams effectively to meet organizational goals, with key insights and guidance. You’ll collaborate and network with fellow business leaders, and gain access to renowned thought leadership from our principal instructor.
During Week One, you’ll be welcomed with a personal call and introduced to your online learning and technical support network. You will then
begin connecting with fellow students.
Course materials include podcasts, video conferences (Zoom or similar platforms), self-study assignments in accompanying texts (please see below), and individual contact/coaching sessions.
Accompanying texts are Patton’s One-Minute Messages and Serve To Lead.

Start developing new skills or strengthen and enhance new skills today. Learn at your own pace; your time commitment will be about 2 – 4 hours per week. The program length is 4 weeks and the format is completely online with flexible start dates and multiple cohorts. You’ll interact with outstanding faculty and fellow high-potential learners.
Participants will learn how to better engage and motivate employees and create and execute tactical plans.
Group enrollments are welcome and discounts are offered for multiple participants from the same organization. Program tuition is $299 and includes the above textbooks shipped to your address.
Email glister@gaptraining.co or call 478-795-0095 for more information or to enroll.