Some attempt to excuse boorish behavior by saying something like, “Well, maybe I’m a little abrasive, but I mean no harm.” Intentional or not, you can cause harm by your words and actions. And Merriam-Webster agrees with us; being abrasive literally means “causing damage.” Don’t be abrasive.
We’re all stressed and attempting to navigate the new normal that COVID and so many other things have brought our way. Most of us are doing the best we can, with occasional slipups into bad behavior. As we end one year and begin another, it’s the perfect time for a little self-inspection. Are we abrasive? If so, there’s no excuse and we need to figure out how to change?
Don’t be abrasive and don’t tolerate it in others. If some of your employees are having trouble controlling their abrasiveness, we can help. Our professional etiquette classes have opened many eyes and saved several careers—and eliminated countless cases of “workplace heartburn.” Contact us today, we can help.