If today’s prickly court of public opinion won’t grant a little deference to Morris Dees, what chance do the rest of us have? We’d better mind our manners. Dees, who conceived, birthed, and raised the Southern Poverty Law Center has been fired, as reported in this Washington Post article.
Times have changed. What may have been marginally tolerated in your youth – or even five years ago – is unacceptable today. We can help ensure your (and your employees’) executive presence is everything it should be. Invest a little and save a lot. The lawsuit or dismissal you avoid may be your own.

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Let’s talk today; you’ll be glad we did. Email glister@gaptraining.co or call 478-795-0095 to learn what a difference an eight hour class can make. We’ll help you resolve your blind spots and keep you our of trouble. Don’t squander a lifetime reputation because of something you’ve “just always done.” It’s the twenty-first century and we should all act like it. The time for youthful indiscretions is long past.