A Skills Gap?

I hear about the skills gap every day from clients. I experience it every day as a consumer of good and services. So, I know there is a skills gap – in every sector, every organization, and every company. But I decided to take a broader look. Google found over two million hits for a “skills gap” search. Interestingly, a significant portion declared there was no skills gap. I disagree, and I bet you do as well. If you’d like to resolve a skills gap in your organization, give us a call. We can help. Here are a few.

The MIT Technology Review posted an article calling the skills gap a myth – https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608707/the-myth-of-the-skills-gap/

Inc. poses the question “Is there a skills gap?” – https://www.inc.com/magazine/201404/cait-murphy/skills-gap-in-the-labor-force.html

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) also flatly declares it a myth – https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/1217/pages/the-skills-gap-is-a-myth.aspx

And there are others disputing a skills gap. I’d be interested in hearing your perspective. Please leave a comment to let us hear your opinion on the issue.